Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What a Difference 6 Years Makes!

Six years! How on Earth did six years fly by so fast! I guess what they say is really true - time flies when you're having fun!

So here is a little walk down memory lane -

Six years ago:
- we lived in NY
- at the time of our wedding we had a roommate but that didn't last much longer after we got home.
- I weighed 60 pounds less! 60!!! My god! And Mike weighed roughly 35 pounds less!
- I was going to Pilates and Yoga multiple times a week

- Mike worked for UNICEF and I worked for McGraw-Hill
- I was 26 and Mike was 29

- We weren't thinking about having a baby
- we had 3 cats
- I was sadly not talking to my cousin Kevin or my friend Kerry

and six years ago on this very day I married my best friend - as corny as that sounds it's true. I married the person who gets me, who supports me and who knows when to push me to talk and when to just leave me alone.

Today we Taylors

- Live in Florida
- have 3 cats and a dog!
- Mike works for Disney and I sell Tupperware
- I'm 32 and Mike is 35!!
- I'm thankfully not only talking to Kevin and Kerry but they are active members of our life!
- We both have high cholesterol
- Mike sleeps with a CPAP machine
- We visit Disney on a regular basis
- we have been struggling for 5 years to have a baby
- we have a car

and today it is just as true as it was six years ago that I married my best friend. Mike has been supportive through the trials of trying to get pregnant, he's encouraged me to work on my novel, he is an active part in me building my Tupperware business and we just have fun together all the time.

Looking back over the years a lot has changed but at the root of it all we are just the same, two people in love and happy to be married!!


tanya said...

great post! Doesn't seem like 6 years to us - we still talk about how much fun we had in Vegas! Congrats guys!!

Tam said...

Awww that was really beautiful and so heartfelt...You're right, so much has changed but at the heart of it, so much has stayed the same - the important stuff! You're one of the happiest couples I know and I hope you had a beautiful day :)

Gabby said...

I admit it...this post may me tear up a litte. Congrats on your 6 years together & may you have 60 more!

ScrappyTams said...

So lovely. It does go by quickly. Enjoy every moment.

sarah said...

First, congrats on your 6 years!!

I found your blog after your post on SparkPeople! Your story sounds pretty similar to my own. It amazing how much can change in a quick 6 years.

About Me

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I live in Champions Gate, FL with my husband and our four fur babies (3 cats and 1 dog)I spend my time either being creative or trying to get the creative juices flowing. I love to cook, go for swims and take the dog for long walks.